Site map 2007
site map with weeds, grid and year planned for revegetation Blackberry Kikuyu Billabong Tradescantia albiflora Kikuyu Kew Golf Course Ivanhoe Golf Course Chris Cross Garden Centre

29 December 2011 - Slashed half shared path verge. 1.5 hours work

28 December 2011 - Slashed more of the woodland. 3.5 hours work

22 December 2011 - Planted 45 Pigface (Carpobrotus modesta) under the trees near the Chris Cross car park. ½ hours work VINC 2200

21 December 2011 - Slashed more of the woodland. 4.5 hours work

18 December 2011 - David sprayed grazon 22L from Burke Road bridge around east side of billabong, including part of Chris Cross embankment, and then half way along the sthn bank of the billabong. Slashed more of the woodland. 2 + 2 hours work.

14 December 2011 - Slashed more of the woodland. 4 hours work

10 December 2011 - Mowed picnic areas, mulching up all the weeds from the last couple of working days. Checked bat tubes - bat/s in tubes 2 and 8 but not taken out. 1 hours work

9 December 2011 - Community work day. Weeded more of the 2008 area and planted 80 Kidney weed, 30 Bidgee-widgee, 30 weeping grass and some plants left over from the RMIT planting.. Slashed the track verge. 4 hours work * 6 people

Weeding 27 November 2011 - Community work day. Weeded more of the 2008 area before the Yarra rose too high and moved us to higher ground weeding near the eastern picnic area. Slashed the top car park area. 4 hours work * 7 people

22 November 2011 - Slashed the dirt track verge in the woodland, and the north-west area of the woodland. 3 hours work

20 November 2011 - Slashed the boxthorn slope, edges of the upper level, and the two picnic areas. Killed the bitou and gorse bushes on the MW pumping station driveway. 3 hours work

The Wilson reserve waterwatch team sampled the billabong water...
Burke Road (North) Billabong 18-Nov-11
Conductivity 160, Temperature 20, Turbidity Tube NTU 10, Turbidity Smart 2 FTU 63, Phosphate mg/l Smart 2 0.04, Phosphate mg/l Phosphorus 0.01, Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 0.8, Dissolved Oxygen %Sat 8, Ammonium-N mg/l 0.71, pH 5.8
In their comments re the pH, they state "The pH is quite low which could be related to eucalypt leaf falls creating organic acids."
posted on receipt 25/7/2013.

graffiti 11 November 2011 - Slashed the other half of shared path. Graffiti on the sign for the first time, presumably from someone scared of snak(e)s. 1 hours work

WeedingWeeded area11 November 2011 - Community work day. Weeded 2008 area and planted about 60 Bidgee widgee (Acaena novae-zelandiae), 3 Native pepper cress (Lepidium pseudohyssopifolium) and 5 Fishweed Goosefoot (Einadia trigonos ssp. trigonos). Slashed beside half of shared path. 4 hours work * 8 people

woodland 7 November 2011 - Slashed about 1/3 of the woodland area - 4.5 hours work.

30 October 2011 - Community work day. Weeded 2008 area and planted about 60 Kidney weed (Dichondra repens), 1 Native pepper cress (Lepidium pseudohyssopifolium) and 1 Pelargonium australe. Slashed beside the other half of shared path and eastern picnic area. 4 hours work * 3 people

Trail cam photoRMIT work area 27 October 2011 - RMIT students finished their work beside the river (2012 area) and planted another 300 plants, approx 3hours work x 20 Slashed beside half the length of path. Trail cam photos showed a kangaroo over a period of 12 days - 2 hours work.

Einadia trigonos 14 October 2011 - Community work day. Weeded picnic area and 2008 area. Planted 5 Fishweed Goosefoot (Einadia trigonos ssp. trigonos) "Low straggling herbaceous perrennial. A rare plant for Melbourne" (Flora of Melbourne p.95) in picnic and 2008 area. 4 hours work * 8 people

Part of RMIT planting area 13 October 2011 - RMIT students continued their work beside the river (2012 area) and planted another 150 plants, plus putting guards and weed mats on last week's plantings. approx 3hours work x 20 Slashed more of the woodland and boxthorn slope - 3 hours. VINC2150

Plant list6 October 2011 - RMIT students continued their work beside the river (2012 area) and planted 750 plants ('view image' to see full size list). approx 3hours work x 20 Slashed more of the woodland - 2.5 hours.

eastern grey kangaroo5 October 2011 - Mowed the picnic areas and beside the path. Put memory card into trail cam and disturbed an eastern grey kangaroo. approx 1.5 hours work.

2 October 2011 - Slashed more of the 2011 area on the south bank of the billabong. approx 3 hours work.

Brushtail possumBird at night 28 September 2011 - Russell Costello and I planted remainder of river red gums, river tea-tree, river bottlebrush, snowy daisy bush, into woodland area. approx 70 plants; Trail cam found a brush tail possum and a bird in the last week. 4 hours work * 2 people

25 September 2011 - Community work day. Planted river red gums, river tea-tree, river bottlebrush, snowy daisy bush, into woodland area and beside path at south end of 2013 area. approx 150 plants; Slashed north west end of woodland. 3 hours work * 5 people

22 September 2011 - RMIT students rolled and removed more Trad from the area north of the path near the bridge. More frogs were found in the Trad and two snakes seen. Some students started planting poas (Poa lab..), bidgee-widgee (Acaena novae-zelandiae) and kidney weed (Dichondra repens). approx 20 x 3 hours work.

19 September 2011 - Slashed the 2011 area on the south bank of the billabong, cut and painted a small copse of hawthorn. approx 4 hours work.

16 September 2011 - slashed and sprayed under and beside the bridge where students had difficulty rolling the Trad due to kikuyu through it. Slashed the 2009 area spraying some of the Trad. approx 4 hours work.

15 September 2011 - RMIT students rolled and removed more Trad from the area north of the path near the bridge. More frogs were found in the Trad. approx 20 x 3 hours work.

9 September 2011 - Community work day deferred due to heavy showers all morning. 10 September 2011 - 10 microbats (all female) found in one tube.

Trad rolled and removed 8 September 2011 - RMIT students rolled and removed more Trad from the area north of the path near the bridge. About 50 frogs were found in the Trad, and 1 tiger snake. approx 20 x 3 hours work.VINC2050

5 September 2011 - Mowed beside the main shared path and beside the track in the woodland. Sprayed in the woodland and in the recently planted north-east 2013 area. Cut and pasted a number of small hawthorns. Slashed beside the path in the recently planted north-east 2013 area. 4.5 hours work.

1 September 2011 - Sprayed some kikuyu covered boxthorn debris in RMIT area, and 2008 area generally; .5 hours work.VINC1950

28 August 2011 - Community work day. Planted river red gums, river tea-tree, river bottlebrush, snowy daisy bush, lomandra into 2013 and woodland area, and rushes into north bank of the billabong. approx 250 plants; 3 hours work * 10 people (7 adults, 3 children).VINC1850

25 August 2011 - RMIT students rolled and removed Trad from the area north of the path near the bridge.
I slashed picnic areas, and some of the 2008 area. approx 20 x 2.5 hours and ¾ hours work.

24 August 2011 - slashed the north-west of the 2013 area. Cut and poisoned some pittosporum and hawthorn in this area. approx 3 hours work.

22 August 2011 - slashed the north-west of the 2013 area. Gave presentation to Melbourne Water Environmental Flows Committee. approx 3 hours work.

17 August 2011 - slashed around the carpark entrance area. approx 1 hours work.

15 August 2011 - slashed the north-east area of the woodland. approx 3.5 hours work.

12 August 2011 - Community work day. Planted approx 320 bidgee-widge ()Acaena novae-zelandiae between shared path and billabong. Weeded western end of 2008 planting area. Removed one pittosporum from RMIT 2011 work area. approx 3 hours work * 6 people.

4 August 2011 - slashed the north-east area of the woodland. Spent 2 hours with RMIT students who are working on an area north of the shared path for their Restoration unit. Then slashed trad in an area which inadvertently had not been allocated to a student team. approx 2 hours work.VINC 2300

Mowed the woodland 1 August 2011 - Planted 15 native raspberry (Rubus parvifolius) in the 2008 area which was weeded yesterday. Mowed the north-east area of the woodland. approx 3 hours work.

31 July 2011 - Community work day. Weeded western end of 2008 planting area. Uncovered a good amount of regen, - small snowy daisy bushes and some wattles. Public meeting elected 5 committee members. Slashed bank west of picnic areas. approx 3 hours work * 4 people.

29 July 2011 - Mowed the shared path verges and the track edges in the woodland. Slashed more of 2009 planting area. approx 3 hours work.

27 July 2011 - Slashed blackberry in the woodland (around the small lake) and along the golf course fence. approx 3 hours work.

22 July 2011 - Slashed more of 2009 planting area, and sprayed some of the trad. Slashed and sprayed the trad on the billabong peninsula and pulled out some madeira winter cherry and blackberry. approx 3 hours work.

21 July 2011 - Slashed the boxthorn slope and around the eastern picnic area. Cut a path towards the woodland area beside the Chris Cross slope. approx 1 hours work.

18 July 2011 - Slashed more of 2009 planting area. approx 3 hours work.

18 July 2011 - David and I built one end of picnic table, but met a 6" thick piece of concrete 2' x 3' where the second post was to go. Took much longer than expected. Slashed picnic areas. approx 7 hours work * 2.

8 July 2011 - Community work day. Weeded western end of 2008 planting area. Uncovered a good amount of regen, - small snowy daisy bushes and some wattles. approx 4 hours work * 5 people .

1 July 2011 - Mulched poa area next to picnic area path, which I weeded yesterday. Sprayed some of the 2011 area - between the golf course fence and the shared path, and about 10 metres east of path in woodland, and western and part of southern bank of billabong. Slashed some blackberry in 2013 area. approx 5 hours work.

29 June 2011 - Slashed more of the 2009 area. Trail=cam on overflow billabong had no useful photos. approx 4 hours work.

26 June 2011 - Community work day. David painted the BRB signs. Weeded and spread 2 ute loads of mulch over bank below the picnic area. 4 people * approx 3 hours work.

24 June 2011 - Slashed eastern section of 2009 area - walked around reserve with Peter Tucker checking various plants that have come up since the flood. Water ribbons (Triglochin procera) around the billabong, Juncus in the wetland south of the billabong, lesser joyweed in a couple of places, also some Chilean needle grass near MW pumping station. Spotted a king parrot pair in a dead tree near the shared path (Photo from wikipedia). approx 3 hours work. VINC 2200

20 June 2011 - Slashed south bank of the billabong - lots of kapok vine and Madeira winter cherry plus a fair bit of Trad. approx 4 hours work.

15 June 2011 - Slashed more of the 2010 area, between dirt track and billabong. approx 3 hours work.

10 June 2011 - Community work day. Erected the last BRB sign at the south end of the Reserve and weeded the bank below the picnic area. Pulled up a Poa tussock and planted the separated parts (about 70) on the bank. Michael and I then pulled some broom from the MW pumping station bank. 5 people * approx 4 hours work.

3 June 2011 - Slashed more of the 2010 area. Trail cam I purchased was delivered so I have set it up in the north-west area. approx 3 hours work.

2 June 2011 - Slashed the eastern picnic area and around the upper areas. approx 1 hours work.

1 June 2011 - Mowed and slashed the southern section of the woodland. RMIT CaLM Students conducted a fauna survey and found macropod footprints. approx 3 hours work.

30 May 2011 - Mowed and slashed the south-western section of the woodland, and the shared path verges. approx 4 hours work.

weeding after morning teaKookaburra checking the weeded area29 May 2011 - Community working day attended by 12 people. Weeded the picnic area and planted about 25 poas into area. Cleaned up a lot of rubble and rubbish to fill the skip. Notice boards near picnic area were being viewed by a number of passers by. approx 30 hours work

27 May 2011 - David and I collected rubble and rubbish from around the area, removing most of the old star picket fences. approx 6 hours work. VINC2100

21 May 2011 - Bat tube check found 1 male and 1 female Gould's wattled bat in separate tubes.

20 May 2011 - Slashed more of the 2010 area (C4), between path and billabong. approx 4 hours work.

BRB entrance sign18 May 2011 - Slashed more of the 2010 area (1/3 of D4 and D5), between path and billabong, and sprayed area slashed on 16 May. David erected sign at Chris Cross car park entrance. approx 3 hours work.

16 May 2011 - Slashed part of the 2010 area (C4 and D5), between path and billabong, and brush-cut fennel and blackberry on path verge in the woodland, and picnic area. approx 4 hours work.

BRB entrance signNotice board at southern entrance13 May 2011 - Community working day attended by 6 people. Weeded the 2008 area. Cut and painted hawthorns. Erected 2 notice boards and placed Reserve signs at Burke Rd. Bridge entrance and at the pedestrian bridge. approx 24 hours work VINC1930

9 May 2011 - Slashed part of the 2010 area (½ of C4 and all C5), part of D5, shared path verge in the woodland, and picnic area. approx 3 hours work.

4 May 2011 - Mowed the bike path verge and east picnic area. approx .5 hours work. VINC1830

4 May 2011 - I slashed the north-east area of the woodland towards the small wetland. RMIT students worked on quadrats and structure diagrams for the area north of the path from the Burke Rd. bridge to 40m west of the Burke Rd. track. approx 1 hours work.

Gould's Wattled bat29 April 2011 - A ckeck of the bat tubes showed 2 tubes in use with a several in one. The bat group from Wilson Reserve collected and 'assessed' the bats. There were 3 females and 1 male in each tube. They were released at BRB after dark.

28 April 2011 - David and I slashed the north-east area of the woodland. 70cm tiger snake seen near Burke Rd. track / bike path junction.approx 4 hours work.

27 April 2011 - Pulled out most of the old star picket fence. Moved the fallen tree back from the edge of the path with the assistance of 2 joggers. Slashed more of the 2009 area and sprayed 35 Litres of glyphosate on slashed Trad at 2% concentration, with a dash of washing up liquid added as surfactant. approx 7 hours work.

23 April 2011 - Slashed more of the 2009 area. approx 3.5 hours work.

21 April 2011 - Slashed around the car park level area. approx 1.5 hours work.

20 April 2011 - Slashed some of the 2008 area west of the picnic area. RMIT students came to do a 'Habitat Hectares' assessment of the area north of the bike path and 150m west of the bridge to the brige. approx 1.5 hours work.

18 April 2011 - Slashed more of the 2009 area. approx 5 hours work.

15 April 2011 - Slashed half of 2009 area (with new Hitachi brushcutter), mowed picnic areas and planted 20 Kangaroo apples on boxthorn slope. Found a self sown sprawling bluebell (Wahlenbergia gracilis) approx 5 hours work.

8 April 2011 - Community working day attended by 10 people. Weeded and mulched the picnic areas. Weeded the boxthorn slope around the kangaroo appples. Planted 40 river bottlebrush around billabong peninsula and 4 Correa glabra in picnic area. Planted 50 dichondra in 2008 areea. Cut and painted 20 hawthorns. Boroondara supplied the mulch and plants. Sprayed along track beside Chris Cross to woodland and missed bits (18 March) in woodland. Saw 2 tiger snakes near track to woodland. Bat check showed bat with friends in tube. approx 40 hours work

7 April 2011 - Slashed around carpark level and picnic area until brushcutter clutch broke down. Photographers came to take pics for RMIT supplement in Fin Review. Saw snake on boxthorn slope. approx 1 hours work.

bats at toop of tube2 April 2011 - Bat check showed the bat had returned to the usual tube, with friends.

1 April 2011 - David slashed in the woodland. - approx 2 hours work.

I did a water test on the billabong and the results were;
Temp 17°C, pH 7.4, Turbidity 80, Nitrates 1mg NO 2 , 10 µg NO, EC 250 µS/cm.

31 March 2011 - Mowed the picnic areas, some of the car park level, and the bike path verge. - approx 1½ hours work.

18 March 2011 - David and I sprayed the woodland area, with David working more on the blackberry. Also removed the old Burke Rd. access track sign. - approx 8 hours work.

planting poasremoving hawthorn11 March 2011 - Community work day Planted about 200 poas and 150 dichondra into 2008 area. Michael and Robert removed about 20 hawthorn bushes - approx 3 hours work * 8 people VINC1730

mown woodland7 March 2011 - Mowed the picnic areas and more of the woodland. - approx 6 hours work

4 March 2011 - Sprayed the boxthorn slope, slashed about half the 2009 area, and mowed more of the woodland. - approx 7 hours work

25 February 2011 - Slashed the boxthorn area, the edges of the top area and picnic areas, and mowed the bike path edges. - approx 4 hours work (bike path edges to 1 m = 45mins). Checked bat tunes on 26/2 - no bat, but mother and baby ringtail possum in nestbox.

24 February 2011 - Mowed the edges of the top area and east picnic area. - approx 1 hours work.

21 February 2011 - Mowed the about a ¼ of the area south of the billabong. Saw 2 blue tongue lizards. - approx 4 hours work.

14 February 2011 - Purchased a new 530mm (21") utility mower. Mowed the picnic area and the area to the east, 2-3 cuts of the bike path edge from bridge to MW pumping station, and a small area south of the billabong, including a cut either side of the 2 main tracks in the woodland south of the billabong. - approx 2 hours work.

wombat refuge?11 February 2011 - Community work day but raining. Some weeding done, tree guards replaced after the flood (again!) last weekend. Found what appears to be a wombat refuge in a pile of old boxthorn. - approx 9 hours work.

5/6 February 2011 - About 90mm of rain raised the river height to 8.2m, which refilled the billabong again, and left a lot of debris and silt over most of the area. Many tree guards washed off their plants and up to 100 metres away..

2 February 2011 - Slashed more of 2008 and the 2009 area. - approx 4 hours work.

28 January 2011 - Slashed the east picnic area, the top near the road and the 2008 area. - approx 3 hours work.

21 January 2011 - Timur Tunovic and I attempted to remove a star picket fence in the woodland on the golf course side, but they didn't move! So we weeded and planted 70 Dichondra repens at the bike path/Burke Rd. track junction, and 70 ruby salt bush Einadia nutans along the picnic area bank. Manga tak Tim! I then weeded and planted another 10 'Poa labs' in the picnic area - approx 2 x 3 hours work.

nest box19 January 2011 - Slashed the ex-boxthorn area, around the new Muttonwoods, and more of the 2009 planting area which is now a bit over half done. David mowed around the plantings in the woodland south of the billabong. A nest box has appeared in a tree near the river - approx 2 x 5 hours work.

17 January 2011 - Slashed about close to half east end of 2009 planting area which was very weedy after recent rains and warm weather. - approx 6 hours work.

14 January 2011 - Slashed the picnic areas and a bit of the path and near the bike path / Burke Rd. track junction. - approx 2 hours work.

slashed view 1slashed view 25 January 2011 - I slashed the woodland (golf course side of the bikepath) with a hired "Billygoat slasher" for fire hazard reduction. - approx 10 hours work.

Stanley Barker
Friends of Burke Road Billabong

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