Site map 2007
site map with weeds, grid and year planned for revegetation Blackberry Kikuyu Billabong Tradescantia albiflora Kikuyu Kew Golf Course Ivanhoe Golf Course Chris Cross Garden Centre

29 December 2013 - Slashed trail beside golf course fence and south bank of billabong - 3 hours work

27 December 2013 - Slashed western part of woodland - 2.25 hrs. Last cut of W woodland (8-21 Nov.) was 6 hrs. Mowed track verges. 3 hours work

20 December 2013 - Slashed north-eastern part of woodland - 45mins. Last cut of NE woodland (7 Nov.) was 3.5 hrs. Mowed picnic area and track verges. 1 hrs work

natural bat roost 14 December 2013 - Slashed western section between path and billabong, and around picnic areas. Planted 50 Juncus amabilis near culvert. Bat check - 1 male in T4 and 1 new male in parrot box 1. After it was put back in, it flew off to a dead redgum (pictured) near the pedestrian bridge. 3 hrs work

13 December 2013 - Community work day. Weeded picnic area, and 2008 area. Planted 5 Austral stork's bill (Pelargonium australe) in picnic area, kidney weed 40 (Dichondra repens), 10 nodding saltbush (Einadia nutans), 10 bidgee widgee (Acaena nova-zelandiae) and 5 goosefoot fishweed (Einadia trigonos) into 2008 area. 13 people - 43 hrs work

12 December 2013 - Slashed south-eastern part of woodland. Mowed picnic area and track verges, under Burke Rd. bridge, and MWtrack. 2.5 hrs work

7 December 2013 - Slashed southern part of golf course triangle, area north of MW pumping station. Mowed picnic areas and track verges. Set up compost area with pallettes. David gug post holes for container fence. 5 + 3 hrs work

30 November 2013 - Slashed NW part of golf course triangle 1.5 hrs work

27 November 2013 - Slashed 2012 RMIT area and main area of golf course triangle. 3 hrs work

25 November 2013 - Slashed RMIT 2013 area north of track. Mowed NW of golf course triangle 5 hrs work

24 November 2013 - Community work day We weeded the picnic area and planted 12 Austral stork's bill (Pelargonium australe), 50 kidney weed, (Dichondra repens, 10 bidgee widgee ( Acaena nova-zealandiae), and 10 goosefoot fishweed (Einadia trigonos). 3 volunteers - 8hrs

22 November 2013 - Took delivery of Greenfields ride-on slasher/mower. Mowed car park level, picnic areas, path verge and woodland track verge. 40 mins work

21 November 2013 - Slashed west woodland 1.5 hrs work

18 November 2013 - Slashed west woodland 2 hrs work

16 November 2013 - Bat check -1 male in tube 3. Slashed north-west woodland 1.25 hrs work
WaterWatch data - 15 November 2013
Ammonia-Nitrogen (Mg/L) 2.64
Dissolved Oxygen (Mg/L) 2.1
Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation 22
Conductivity (uS/cm) 180
Reactive Phosphorous (Mg/L) 0.15
pH 6.6
Air Temp. (Deg. C) 15.5
Water Temp. (Deg. C) 13.5
NTU 11
FTU 64

14 November 2013 - Slashed north-west woodland 1.25hrs work

8 November 2013 - Community work day We weeded the 2008 area. David worked on 'Gunyah'. I slashed north-east woodland (1hr). BCC contractors worked on covering culvert next to shared trail. 8 volunteers - 26hrs

7 November 2013 - Slashed north-east woodland 3.5hrs work

2 November 2013 - Slashed between path and river west to RMIT 2013 area and east picnic area and banks. 3hrs work

31 October 2013 - Slashed between between path and river west from Chris Cross track; Helen B weeded picnic area. 4 hours work.

27 October 2013 - Community workday - Info session with Dr. G. Lorimer. Discussion of work, past and future at the reserve. A little weeding done. 10 participants 39.3 hours work.

fallen branches 21 October 2013 - Finish slashing 2008 area and slashed b/w Burke Rd. and Yarra trail bridges. - 3hr work
Large tree near shared path/Chris Cross track lost a branch from very high and took down two other branches as well.

19 October 2013 - Bat check - 9 bats, 7 pregnant females and 1 male in T12 and 1 male in T3. Slashed 2008 area - 1hr work

12 October 2013 - Slashed path verge, under Burke Rd. bridge and eastern picnic area - 3.5hrs work

11 October 2013 - Community work day We planted the RMIT leftover plants near the culvert and in the picnic area. Planted kidney weed (Dichondra repens), Poa lab, Tree everlasting (Ozothamnis ferroginius), snowy daisy bush (Olearia lirata) bidgee widgee (Acaena nova-zealandia), nodding saltbush (Einadia nutans) and kangaroo apple (Solanum laciniatum). 9 volunteers - 32.25hrs

9 October 2013 - Ringbarked and treated with 50% glyphosate about 40 hawthorn, 3 willows and about 20 desert ash - weeded 2008 area. - 2*2 = 4 hrs work
grey currawong, ringtail in its drey in a hawthorn.

4 October 2013 - Ringbarked and treated with 50% glyphosate about 40 hawthorn and about 5 desert ash - including some that had previously been 'frill & filled'. - 2 hrs work

29 September 2013 - Community work day We weeded the 2008 and picnic areas. Planted 100 kidney weed (Dichondra repens), 40 Poa lab, about 20 Tree everlasting (Ozothamnis ferroginius), 20 snowy daisy bush (Olearia lirata) 10 bidgee widgee (Acaena nova-zealandia)and 10 kangaroo apple (Solanum laciniatum). 4 volunteers - 14hrs
spotted pardolote (with nest material), raven, indian mynahs (upper level).

24 August 2013 - Bat check - 9 bats in 2 tubes. Ringbarked and poisoned (50% glyphosate) about 40 hawthorns, 2 prunus, 2 pittosporum and a desert ash. 2 hours work.
std, red browed finch

19 September 2013 - Slashed verges of tracks in woodland, golf course side of shared path, picnic area and edges of top area. - 2 hrs work
Waterwatch data - Ammonia-Nitrogen (Mg/L) 1.52, Dissolved Oxygen (Mg/L) 2.1, Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation 20, Conductivity (uS/cm) 160, Reactive Phosphorous (Mg/L) 0.13, pH 6.4, Air Temp. (Deg. C) 14, Water Temp. (Deg. C) 12
Turbidity: NTU 12, FTU 43
red browed finches, red-rumped parrot, pied currawong, grey currawong.

sugar glider box sugar glider box 13 September 2013 - Community work day We weeded the 2008 and picnic areas. Installed 4 sugar glider boxes north of the path. 5 volunteers - 21.5hrs
fairy wrens, kookaburra, crested shriketit, red browed finches, fantail, red-rumped parrot, yellow robin, pacific black duck, blackbird, indian mynahs.

12 September 2013 - Slashed RMIT 2012 area. - 2 hrs work

4 September 2013 - Sprayed Trad in 2009 and RMIT 2011 areas, and on boxthorn slope. - 2 hrs work

4 September 2013 - Mowed main yarra trail verge and eastern picnic area. Sprayed eastern picnic area banks. David landscaped the gunyah edges - 6 hrs work

rmit students gunyah 30 August 2013 - RMIT students finished their work at the reserve having planted about 1000 plants with mulch and tree guards where appropriate. Planted 30 common rush (Juncus usitatis) to a very wet area in RMIT 2012 area and 20 kidney weed amongst Poas in picnic area bank. David (and I) added the roof to the 'gunyah'. 20 x 2 hours + 2 x 8hrs = 56 hrs work

29 August 2013 - Slashed RMIT 2013 area - 1 hrs work

pergola 26 August 2013 - David and I added the rafters to the 'gunyah'. 2 = 6 hrs work

25 August 2013 - Community work day Camberwell Grammar boys planted 108 Poa lab, 108 danthonia, 30 wahlenbergia stricta, 30 linum marginale, 162 bidgee widge, 108 nodding saltbush in the 2008 and 2009 areas. Helen & Jenny planted 50 Victorian christmas bush around the reserve. A group of volunteers weeded the 2008 and picnic areas. Another group partially erected the 'gunyah'. Finished the walls with just the roof to finish. 28 volunteers - 104.5hrs
pied currawong, fairy wrens, kookaburra, 2 striped marsh frogs.

24 August 2013 - Bat check - no bats. Collected old tree guards. Sprayed beside (western) path below picnic area. Installed bird box near picnic area. 2 hours work.
kookaburra, pied currawong.

23 August 2013 - RMIT students continued planting and mulching north of the main yarra trail.
fairy wrens, bassian thrush, yellow robin, kookaburra, red-browed finches, indian mynahs, heard cockatoos, weasel skink, striped marsh frog.

21 August 2013 -
Sprayed glyphosate on western bank of picnic area, in 2008 and 2012 areas.

17 August 2013 - Water quality test
Ammonia-Nitrogen: 1.28 mg/l
Dissolved Oxygen: 0.6 mg/l 5% saturation
Conductivity: 160 uS/cm
Reactive Phosphorous: 0.21 mg/l
pH 6.4
Air temp.: 15 deg C.
Water temp.: 11 deg C.
Turbidity: 13 NTU, 38 FTU
The water had a scummy, oily appearance and was stained brown.
by Margaret Fievez & David Barr

16 August 2013 - RMIT students continued planting north of the main yarra trail.
fairy wrens, bassian thrush.

9 August 2013 - Community work day cancelled due heavy rain. RMIT students checked their areas and planting of 2 plants was demonstrated.
fairy wrens, bassian thrush.

7 August 2013 - Slashed path verge and part of RMIT 2012 area. Box Hill U3A walking group was given a guided tour of the reserve. 2 hours work.
red browed finches, fairy wrens, butcherbird, kookaburra, sulphur crested cockatoos heard.

6 August 2013 - David did more work on the picnic shelter site. 1 hour work.
red browed finches, fairy wrens.

1 August 2013 - Slashed more of the 2009 area. 1 hour work.
red browed finches, fairy wrens.

31 July 2013 - Sprayed Trad with Starane in RMIT 2013 area, and 2009 area and glyphosate on west bank of picnic area, and in 2009 area. 3 hours work.
red browed finches, fairy wrens, grey fantail, kookaburras.

planting planting 28 July 2013 - Community work day. Camberwell Grammar boys and 4 other volunteers planted the billabong peninsula with 216 kidney weed (Dichondra repens), 108 bidgee widgee (Acaena nova-zelandiae), 240 common tussock grass(Poa labilliarderei), 70 tall sedge (Carex appressa), and 54 Spiny-headed Mat-rush (Lomandra longifolia). David, Jenny and Barbara levelled the picnic shelter platform. 21 = 62.75 hrs work .
Fairy wrens, red browed finches, dusky moorhen, kookaburra, pied currawong, lorikeets flying over.

27 July 2013 - Slashed eastern 1/3 of 2008 area. 3 hours work.
red browed finches

24 July 2013 - Slashed north side of path from 50m west of Chris Cross track to RMIT 2013 area. 2 hours work.

22 July 2013 - Slashed north side of path between pedestrian bridge and 50m west of Chris Cross track. 3 hours work.
red browed finches, fairy wren, blackbird.

19 July 2013 - Slashed north side of path between Burke Rd. and pedestrian bridges and mowed the eastern picnic area. Moved soil from picnic area to the path under Burke Rd. bridge to level the path edge. 3 hours work.
pied currawong, grey fantail

13 July 2013 - Bat check. One adult male (unbanded) in Tube 3

12 July 2013 - Community work day. We weeded, and planted the 2008 with more kidney weed (Dichondra repens), bidgee widgee (Acaena nova-zelandiae), common tussock grass(Poa labilliarderei), and Goosefoot fishweed (Einadia trigonos). 8 = 35.5 hrs work

11 July 2013 - Slashed the western bank of the picnic area. 1 hours work.

10 July 2013 - Slashed the 2008 area, & box thorn slope. 2 hours work.

5 July 2013 - Slashed the SW (further south of 3 July) woodland. 2 hours work.

4 July 2013 - Slashed the NW (further south of 3 July) woodland. Removed and collected tree guards. 2 hours work.

3 July 2013 - Slashed the NW (further south of 1 July) woodland. 2 hours work.

1 July 2013 - Slashed the NW woodland; lots of euc and some wattle regen. I found a Clematis microphylla in the NW woodland, maybe the sole survivor of 50 planted in 2010. 2.5 hours work.

30 June 2013 - Community work day. We weeded, mulched and planted the eastern picnic area with basalt daisy (Brachyscome multifida - Waverley form), rosemary grevillea (Grevillea rosemarinifolia - Plenty form), Tall bluebell (Wahlenbergia stricta), Tasman flax-lily (Dianella tasmanica) and Rock correa (Correa glabra). 6 = 25.5 hrs work
Birdwatcher, Tony reported seeing a Hoary-headed grebe in the Yarra yesterday and a crested shrike-tit in the reserve today.

29 June 2013 - Mowed picnic areas, beside path and slashed north-west woodland. 4hrs work.

21 June 2013 - Sprayed Starane (9ml p L.) in RMIT 2013 area and did some weeding in 2008 area. 2 * 2hrs = 4hrs work.

15 June 2013 - Bat check. 1 male & 2 female Gould's wattled bats in tube 9 .

planting14 June 2013 - Community work day. We weeded, mulched and planted the picnic area with basalt daisy (Brachyscome multifida - Waverley form), rosemary grevillea (Grevillea rosemarinifolia - Plenty form), Tall bluebell (Wahlenbergia stricta), Tasman flax-lily (Dianella tasmanica) and Rock correa (Correa glabra). 8 = 29.5 hrs work

9 June 2013 - Slashed north-east woodland, picnic area and did some weeding in 2008 area. 3.5hrs work.

29 May 2013 - Slashed Trad in RMIT 2013 area, more blackberry just below Chris Cross (E7) and north-east woodland. 2.5hrs work.

26 May 2013 - Community work day. We weeded the 2008 area. 4 = 12 hrs work

Soils 24 May 2013 - RMIT students started their 'Restoration' unit with soil sampling, 'habitat hectares', quadrats and structural diagrams north of the path in B5 and C6. Pic shows students with eminent soil scientist and BRBR CoM member David Cummings.
Slashed blackberry just below Chris Cross (E7). 0.5hrs work.

23 May 2013 - Sprayed Trad on the south-east banks of the billabong. Slashed blackberry just below Chris Cross (E7). 1.5hrs work.

18 May 2013 - Bat check. 1 male Gould's wattled bat in tube 10. .

16 May 2013 - Slashed top level near Burke Rd. 1 hrs work.

workers 10 May 2013 - Community work day. Today's line-up included MP Josh Frydenberg and his electorate officer, Ex-Boroondara Councillor Brad Miles, president of the VNPA, Russell Costello, and 6 locals. We weeded the 2012 RMIT area and the 2008 area. 10 = 31.25 hrs work

9 May 2013 - Slashed 2012 RMIT area 1 hours work.

6 May 2013 - Slashed 2012 RMIT area 1 hours work.

Camberwell Grammar studentsCamberwell Grammar students 28 April 2013 - Community work day. Today's volunteers were mostly students from Camberwell Grammar with their teacher. After a tour of the reserve when they moved fallen trees further back from the track, they weeded the riverside of the path near the track junction. 11 = 30 hrs work

27 April 2013 - Bat check - 10 bats. 1 in tube 3 and 9 in tube 4. Slashed beside the main Yarra trail 2 hours work.

25 April 2013 - Slashed picnic area 1.5 hours work.

12 April 2013 - Community work day. Cleared beside the golf course fence. 6 = 17 hrs work

31 March 2013 - Community work day. Weeded 2008 area. 4 = 11 hrs work

25 March 2013 - I used the new brushcutter with the chain saw blade and ringbarked and sprayed about 50 hawthorns and 3 willows. I then slashed Trad at C5, 5 hours work.

23 March 2013 - Bat check - 17 Gould's wattled bats. 5M 12F; in 2 tubes

Shipping container arrives 13 March 2013 - Shipping container was delivered. Slashed beside path, picnic area and 'box-thorn' area. 2 hours work

8 March 2013 - Community work day. Weeded RMIT 2011 area. Sprayed 2 *15L Starane in 2010, and 2012 areas. 5 = 15.75 hrs work

"Microlaena area"
9/2/13 4 hrs 1 person = 4 hrs Blackberrying, spaying couch
23/2/13 2 hrs 1 person = 2 hrs Weeding

24 February 2013 - Community work day. Weeded RMIT 2011 area. 5 = 17 hrs work

16 February 2013 - Bat check - 17 Gould's wattled bats. 10 Juveniles 4M 6F; 7 Female Adults 6 lactating in 2 tubes 1 escapee from T12

14 February 2013 - sprayed Trad with Starane in the 2009 area and found a dead powerful owl - maybe from natural causes. 1 hrs work

11 February 2013 - slashed more Trad in the 2009 area and slashed a 'riverside walk'. 3 hrs work

8 February 2013 - Community work day. Weeded RMIT 2011 area. David mowed upper level and some woodland. 5 = 20.5 hrs work

2 February 2013 - slashed more Trad in the 2009 area. 3 hrs work

"Microlaena area"
5/1/13 4hrs x 1 person Blackberrying, tong & sponge
6/1/13 4hrs x 1 person Blackberrying, tong & sponge
13/1/13 4hrs x 1 person weeding
19/1/13 4hrs x 1 person weeding

27 January 2013 - Community work day. Weeded 2008 area and watered some plants in Telstra area and woodland. 7 * 3 hrs work

19 January 2013 - Bat check - 17 Gould's wattled bats. 10 Juveniles 4M 6F; 7 Female Adults 6 lactating.

16 January 2013 - slashed between the shared path and the billabong (north west of b'bong). 2 hrs work

12 January 2013 - slashed between the shared path and the billabong (west of b'bong) and in NW end of billabong. 3 hrs work

Collecting water from the river 11 January 2013 - Community work day. Watered all 'Telstra' plants and weeded 2008 area. Pic shows collecting water from the river in a wheelie bin. 4 * 4 hrs work

2 January 2013 - slashed along the MW pump station fence, between the last RMIT 2012 area and the golf course fence, and about half way along between the shared path and the billabong (west of b'bong). 3 hrs work

Stanley Barker
Friends of Burke Road Billabong

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