FLOODS AGAIN The billabong flooded again on 26 December reaching a level of 7.210 metres, not as high as the November flood but enough to cover the path, refill the billabong and the floodplain wetland. The water was running back to the river via the culvert for several days after the flood peak. We have purchased a pipe and one way valve that will be placed in the culvert that drains the billabong below its natural level, so that the billabong level will be about 700mm higher after a flood, and thus retain water longer. This will be placed 10 to 15 metres back from the path. A floodgate in situ. Another result of all the rain is that the grass has been growing rapidly and most of the extra work apart from the Community workdays, has been to slash the woodland to reduce the fire hazard it becomes when (or if?) it dries out. Some of the grass and fennel had reached 2 metres. PIGFACE NEAR THE CAR PARK Forty-five pigface plants (Carpobrotus modestus) were planted under the trees between the reserve and the car park to 'pretty up' the entrance to the reserve. |
R.I.P. WILDLIFE CAM After the November 27 flood, I went to put the memory card back in the camera but wasn't able to get to it because of the water surrounding it. I was concerned that it seemed to be coated in silt. When I was able to get to it, it was still wet inside and all corroded when I took it apart. The corroded circuit board of the Trailcam. It was over 1 metre up a tree, but that was not sufficient! MICROBATS There were microbats in 2 tubes on 11 December but as they were not taken out, it was not possible to know how many there were. COMMUNITY WORK DAYS There was only the Friday workday in December. Six people weeded more of the 2008 area and planted 80 Kidney weed, 30 Bidgee-widgee, 30 Wallaby grass and some plants left over from the RMIT planting. We enjoyed a very pleasant Christmas pudding complete with custard and other treats. THE NEXT COMMUNITY WORKDAYS ARE FRIDAY 13 JANUARY 2012 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & SUNDAY 29 JANUARY 2012 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Stanley Barker, Burke Rd. Billabong Committee of Management. |