Site map 2007
site map with weeds, grid and year planned for revegetation Blackberry Kikuyu Billabong Tradescantia albiflora Kikuyu Kew Golf Course Ivanhoe Golf Course Chris Cross Garden Centre

8 December 2023. Community work day. Surveyed nestboxes and weeded as we walked. The web page of nestbox pictures may be found here... 6 volunteers 13.5 hrs work.

26 November 2023. Community work day. Planted 45 goose-foot fish weed (Einadia trigonis) and weeded western woodland. 8 volunteers 27.5 hrs work.
An area has been fenced off for goat weeders.

10 November 2023. Community work day. Weeded around picnic area. 14 volunteers 47.5 hrs work.
About 200mm of water left in billabong after November 2022 flood. 4 ducks and 2 ibis did not stay to have their photo taken.

29 October 2023. Community work day. Planted 80 purple tussock grass (Poa ensiformis), and weeded in western woodland and south of billabong. 15 volunteers 50 hrs work.
600mm (2') tiger snake near toilet went under shipping container.

13 October 2023. Community work day. Planted 180 purple tussock grass (Poa ensiformis), and weeded in western woodland and spear thistle south of billabong. 10 volunteers 36.75 hrs work.

24 September 2023. Community work day. Planted 94 purple tussock grass (Poa ensiformis), 15 basalt daisy (Brachyscome multifida), 20 kidney plant(Dichondra repens), 15 basalt daisy (Brachyscome multifida), 10 native lily (Bulbine bulbosa), and weeded western woodland. 12 volunteers 45 hrs work.

8 September 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 ruby salt bush (Enchylaena tomentosa), 40 purple tussock grass (Poa ensiformis), and weeded western woodland. Finished early due to inclement weather. 7 volunteers 17 hrs work.

27 August 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 kidney plant (Dichondra repens), 100 purple tussock grass (Poa ensiformis), and weeded western woodland. 12 volunteers 39 hrs work.

11 August 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 kidney plant (Dichondra repens), 54 ruby salt bush (Enchylaena tomentosa), and weeded south of billabong. 13 volunteers 39 hrs work.

30 July 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 pale flax lily (Dianella longifolia), 28 Bidgee widgee (Acaena novo-zelandia), 7 vanilla lily (Arthropodium milleflorum), and 19 river mint (Mentha australia), and weeded in western woodland. 12 volunteers 35.5 hrs work.

14 July 2023. Community work day. Weeded near Burke Rd. bridge. 12 volunteers 35.5 hrs work.

25 June 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 bidgee widgee (Acaena nova-zelandia) and 54 Austral indigo (Indigofera australia) in western woodland. Weeded western woodland. 6 volunteers 17.5 hrs work.
Billabong still has a fair amount of water 8 months after the last flood.

9 June 2023. Community work day. Planted 200 weeping grass (Microlaena stipoides) in western woodland. Weeded western woodland. 8 volunteers 24.5 hrs work.

28 May 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 forest germander (Teuchreum corumbosum) and 54 basalt daisy (Brachysome multifida) in western woodland. Weeded and slashed western woodland. 9 volunteers 27 hrs work.

12 May 2023. Community work day. Planted 200 purple sheathed tussock grass (Poa ensiformis) in western woodland. Weeded western woodland. 10 volunteers 33.5 hrs work.

30 April 2023. Community work day. Planted 54 prickly Moses (Acacia verticillata) and 54 gold dust wattle (Acacia acinacea) in western woodland. Weeded western woodland. 11 volunteers 38.5 hrs work.

14 April 2023. Community work day. Weeded western woodland. 11 volunteers 38.5 hrs work.

26 March 2023. Community work day. Weeded western woodland. 8 volunteers 22 hrs work.

10 March 2023. Community work day. Weeded western woodland. 9 volunteers 38.5 hrs work.
Peter Lynch identified little pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) in western woodland.

26 February 2023. Community work day. Weeded western woodland. 10 volunteers 33 hrs work. Peter Lynch found a few more common sneezeweed (Centipeda cunninghamii) in western woodland. Watered plants of 23/2/23.

23 February 2023. East Kew cubs visited the reserve checking the plants they planted at their last visit and planting more Goodenia ovata and bidgee widgee (about 20 of each) in the western woodland. 18 cubs with 3 leaders.

10 February 2023. Community work day. Weeded near picnic area and western woodland. 11 volunteers 34.5 hrs work. Peter Lynch found a common sneezeweed (Centipeda cunninghamii) in western woodland.
Blue-tongue lizard, swamp wallaby.

29 January 2023. Community work day. Weeded near main Yarra trail between billabong and western woodland. Slashed in western woodlland. 8 volunteers 28 hrs work.

13 January 2023 - Community work day. Weeded near picnic area. 8 volunteers 28 hrs work.

Stanley Barker
Friends of Burke Road Billabong

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